
Animal Agriculture

Many people are not aware of how so-called farm animals are forced to live. What legal regulations apply? Is there even such a thing as animal-friendly husbandry conditions? Although we believe that it is in no way morally acceptable to exploit non-human animals - even if they live in good or better conditions - we find it necessary to educate people about current "animal husbandry" practices.


  • Why the Initiative to Ban Factory Farming is not Progressive
    In September, Swiss citizens will vote on the Initiative to Ban Factory Farming (MTI). The article discusses two problematic aspects of the initiative.
  • BTS and RAUS: The Two Animal Welfare Programmes
    BTS and RAUS are animal welfare programmes that oblige participating farmers to meet higher requirements for animal farming than the minimum standards. The article aims to clarify what regulations BTS and RAUS impose and whether the representation of the programs in the media corresponds to reality.
  • The Most Important Facts About Conventional Farming
    How do conventionally farmed animals live like in Switzerland? How much space do they have to move? Do the animals have the opportunity to graze or exercise? The following text aims to clarify the minimum requirements for conventional animal farming for cows, calves, pigs and chickens and to comment briefly on them.
  • Animal Exploitation and Fashion: The Fur Trade
    The article covers three topics. First, I explain the different ways of fur production and killing methods. Second, I give a short introduction to why wearing animal remains is ethically wrong and harmful in practice. Third, I offer a few suggestions on how to advocate for fur-bearing animals.